
Tatiana Seliverstova became the winner of the 1st season of the Rosmolodezh grant

Tatiana Seliverstova, Director of the International Award “TOP 100 BRICS Entrepreneurs”, became the winner of the 1st season of the Rosmolodezh grant competition among individuals.

The results of the 1st season of the grant competition of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) among individuals have been summed up. In total, 14,013 applications were submitted for the competition. As a result of the selection, 1,063 participants were awarded grants totaling more than 867 million rubles.

Among the winners of the Rosmolodezh grant competition is Tatiana Seliverstova, Director of the International Award “TOP 100 BRICS Entrepreneurs” with the BRICS International Business Forum project.

The BRICS International Business Forum will be held in Moscow in November 2022 with the support of Rosmolodezh. On the sidelines of the Forum a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the International Award “TOP 100 BRICS Entrepreneurs” will be held.

The BRICS International Business Forum is an international platform for young entrepreneurs from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The mission of the Forum is to promote recognition of the contribution of young entrepreneurs to the development of the national economies of the BRICS countries. The Forum will provide an opportunity to present advanced business models implemented in the BRICS countries, and will contribute to the promotion of the idea of social responsibility of business, strengthen the best traditions of entrepreneurship in the BRICS countries, popularize and form a positive image of entrepreneurship among the young population of the BRICS countries and increase trust in society. Participants of the International Award “TOP 100 BRICS Entrepreneurs”, which was launched on February 8, 2022, will be invited to take part in the Forum. Within the framework of the three-day Forum, thematic networking sessions will be held with speeches by famous public figures and leaders of the business industry of the BRICS countries. The main practical result of the Forum will be the creation of the BRICS Youth Business Council and the launch of joint projects for the youth of five countries. Representatives of the community will form the basis for the creation of a permanent BRICS Youth Business (Economic) Council, the purpose of which is to support youth initiatives within the BRICS, popularize youth entrepreneurship, create a system of effective communication channels with state authorities, business and NGOs of the BRICS countries to consolidate efforts in the development of socio-economic cooperation with the involvement of youth of five countries.

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